Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Exam tomorrow arvo, really should study...

And what am I doing posting?? *sigh* syphilis ain't that interesting while there's internet available. Also, I'm very tempted to chuck away all my brandied cherries after reading about botulism. Eep. Well, if I do eat my brandied cherries, then have abdominal cramps, nausea, vomitting, diarrhoea (all pretty characteristic of many food poisoning microorganisms). BUT, if I also get flaccid, symmetrical, descending motor paralysis and multiple cranial nerve palsies, feel very free to take me to Liverpool A&E, tell them I ate home preserved food and suspect foodborne botulism. Basically means very screwed and very much ICU living for the rest of my natural life.

In other news, my computer seems to be screwing up on me again. Windows is very, very slow on loading, as well as my ports aren't reading, all 4 of them. Which means my computer won't acknowledge my printer after 6 restarts. *sigh* will run out of patience when next semester starts.

Good news: have got meself a Paypal account, yays! Which means I can get the DPDO CD from Germany! :D Decided not to get the used one, I may as well get the new one eh? The only annoying factor is that the auction ends Sunday 3rd July at AEST 0526. Which means either, stay up or get up early... *sigh* Ah well, one must do what she can to get what she wants ;D

Anyway, very much looking forward to Friday, hope it doesn't rain though. Crap I haven't sms-ed Loz and Shilpa yet. And Karen and Vicky and other ladies. Someone remind me if they're Pun-chasing tomorrow night eh?

*Sigh* must study now, and get copious amounts of caffeine into mee system early tomorrow morn. Night ladies! And stalker(s).

P.S. Can anyone guess the new lyrics? Pretty easy have to say, although I can't sing one certain line, it just seems harder to get the syllables onto a note.

10 witty remarks:

  • At 00:47, Blogger Alicia said…

    Hey Pun! I think the "ich fuehl es hier / Phantom der oper" kinda gives it away... A little...

    Do you like my pic?!

  • At 00:49, Blogger Minerva said…

    dawwww... so cute.

    Yes, yes it does, but I'm waiting for Trees to translate it ;)

  • At 09:53, Blogger Vivian said…

    Or not even that, you just pick a POTO melody and see if the first line fits!

  • At 10:47, Blogger Catie said…

    ja, apart from that line i would not have a clue...

    sympathies about the computer, mine has a tendency to behave very erratically, and my printer hasn't been working for months. would really like a laptop...

    hehe, nice picture leach, it looks just like you :p

  • At 11:33, Blogger Minerva said…

    "In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came, he brought fresh towels though, to clean the stain..."

    *cackle, cackle*

    But my favourite has to be:
    "An eternity of this, before your thhhiiiiggghhhhsss..."

  • At 12:02, Blogger Vivian said…

    Well obviously Kat just copied amd pasted because all the dropcaps are missing lol :)

  • At 12:19, Blogger Catie said…

    hey pun, i had that stuck in my head earlier today. was kinda worrying, dream towels and all...
    hey, kat, you have an original personality type! sounds very... logical? rational? just like a 'dreamer/minstrel', right?

  • At 13:20, Blogger Alicia said…

    *cacking up* haven't heard that version before...

  • At 13:54, Blogger Catie said…

    oh, and good luck in your exam this afternoon! probably happening right now i guess.

  • At 23:13, Blogger Minerva said…

    thank you for the luck *even though I don't believe in ;)*

    *achem* Pun's crazy translation:

    "He sang as soon as I slept
    And came to me
    My Light, that he called me
    And spoke with me.
    I dreamt always then
    I feel it (him) here
    The Phantom of the Opera, you are completely near
    You live in me."

    Some weird lyrics they translate on babelfish, or some weird translation they give ;D

    Bwhahahaha, I LOVE the lyrics *achem* that I posted before...
    "An eternity of this, before your..."

    *evil cackle*


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