Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Books, books and frustratingly empty computers.

Next song is up, I think I'm sorta on a theme ;)
Look on sidebar for details :)

Didn't do much today, oh did wake up around 1200. Got up, made a cuppa tea, my aunty came 'round to help clean the house. Very nicely helped me dust the bookshelf and also made me reorganise it. *sigh* Have removed around 30 books to boxes in the garage. However, now have a nicely stacked and dusted and rearranged bookshelf. :) Still, must get proper library when we move out. Strangely though, I'm looking forward to getting all my books out, re-sorting them into categories and alphabetical order and stacking them back...

Also realised I currently do not have:
- Adobe
- Microsoft Word (Office)
- Realplayer
- Java

Really need Word up, the closest I have is Notepad and I'm getting very depressed looking at Courier New font. *sigh*

And sorry about the x marked boxes where my photos should be, I kinda deleted it from my photobucket (not that accidently). This is why I really need Word, only program I used to have that could knock an image down to 50kb.


Annoying how you wanna do do something, just when the equipment/program becomes unavailable. I feel like writing, just not on Notepad. I'm gonna rename this blog "The Wild Adventures of Pun's silly laptop: and the minor frustrations of Pun"

Oh and Boston Legal starts in 4 minutes, for lovers of James Spader ;D or sleazily, charming bastards. ;P

6 witty remarks:

  • At 21:42, Blogger Ang said…

    Dammu=it, I don't know that song. *kicks wall*

  • At 22:49, Blogger Catie said…

    don't recognise it either... can we have a hint?
    hehehe, if you feel like organising books into alphabetical order come visit me in the holidays, my parents will be very grateful :)
    oh, and nice choice of photo, i see that you are... not obssessed AT ALL.

  • At 02:45, Blogger Minerva said…

    Hint posted up

  • At 11:34, Blogger Catie said…

    well, 'very famous musical' suggests Cats i guess... but have never seen/listened to Cats, so will take your word for it Trees

  • At 15:35, Blogger Minerva said…

    Trees wins with Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Memory' from Cats. This verse is actually sung by Sarah Brightman before Elaine Page sings the rest of the song.

  • At 16:35, Blogger Vivian said…

    Oh wow, we get points...well, looks like I have another excuse for continuous blog checking now :)

    Yawn....i'm soooooo tired, can barely keep my eyes open...


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