1 Timothy 2
Anyone read it? Possibly every female I know has read this and has gotten slightly irked. Well please do remember to read it in context. So what do people think about it? Especially v15. This used to, and still does confuse the daylights outta me. If you don't have a study bible, I'd suggest getting one before responding.
We were talking about modesty and basically v9 at yabs Monday night. So, I confess, what I wear is definitely not up to standards, even if it has somewhat improved over the past few years, and is unintentional.
Anyways, I feel like discussing this. So. Replies if possible please. :D
We were talking about modesty and basically v9 at yabs Monday night. So, I confess, what I wear is definitely not up to standards, even if it has somewhat improved over the past few years, and is unintentional.
Anyways, I feel like discussing this. So. Replies if possible please. :D
5 witty remarks:
At 08:46,
Anonymous said…
I do have a bible study, but we are doing specific studies at the moment. I'm sure there is more to what it says in 1 Timothy 2 but the proper way to interpret it escapes me at the moment. I am familiar witht he teaching that a woman should never teach (preach to) a man, but I will need second and possibly third and fourth opinions on the last few versus.
On another note, the song is "Say what you want" by Texas =D It's a good song.
At 11:07,
Catie said…
damn, i don't have my bible with me, seeing as i am at uni. but the internet is a wonderful thing...
o.k., 'tis a aconfusing passage, "she will be saved through childbearing"??? this does not seem to fit with anything. admittedly i do not have a study bible here.
main issue with this: why do we stick with some of this and not with other bits? we do not assume that a woman should have her hair braided, or, as it says elsewhere, go to church with hair covered, but the anglican church at least has no women ministers. there may be something to be said for the "equality but difference" argument, but the biblical terms are baffling to me. for example, how much is culturally specific? we take the hair-covering to be, but it is described as being because man is the head of woman as jesus is head of the curch (or something like that) and relating back to the old testament, in fact in the same terms as the female teachers are described. so am in a quandary. should we wear head coverings to church, or think twice about the role fo women in the church? i have heard this issue explained, but never completely satisfactorily i don't think. and still the childbearing thing... how does that fit with salvation by grace anyway?
this is getting long, was thinking about this issue at ancon as well.
At 20:11,
Jenfafa said…
Yeah, it's an interesting question which I have thought about too. It frustrates me that we either accept some things, but don't others. However, I also understand that for the moment while I have no real opinion I shall conceed to the church.
*by the way, I'm Jen... obsessed with BATHB (beauty and the beast) :-) pretty much describes me (friend of sarah)
At 14:48,
Alicia said…
I was chatting with Catie about this at ancon, (more looking at 1 Cor 11) and went to the 'feminism' seminiar but they didn't really go into that. She spoke more of our value before God as being equal to that of men though our purpose is different.
At question time Katay was commenting that a woman can teach a man - but not in a position of authority. eg. If you're at a camp or bible study and you're presented with some weird ideas you'll go back to your church and ask your minister about it- 'cause those teachers at the camp arn't your authoritative teacher.
I'm not sure how to interpret those passages, but they're both in the context of worship, not our salvation so they shouldn't I think be taken as 'do this to be saved'. That would, as Pun said be against being saved by Christ alone, by GRACE alone.
*btw Sarah is girlfriend to Steve :D
- usydEUers know Steve by now I think?
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Extra ranting space!
At 15:05,
Alicia said…
whoops! It didn't like my link!
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