Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Friday, July 01, 2005

Yays! Bid and won! Colin Falconer, not DPDO yet :)

Yays! The Sultan's Harem by Colin Falconer, finally, I think it's been on my wishlist for over 2 years. Now I can wipe it off :D And I got it for cheap too A$14.78 for book and p+h. I love our exchange rate :D

So, I had to put a new song up, the previous song was 'Bette Davis Eyes' sung by originally Kim Carnes or, the remake by Gwyneth Paltrow. She actually sings it quite well, there's all the right swooning sounds at the right moments.

Anyways, if you do read this before CQ tomorrow. Better skip dinner, just lunch and chocolate then. 'Tis too cold for me to stay out too long in the city *hear my bones creak* *starts attmepting to creak bones* But I gotta check out the closing times for ABC shop in QVB, wanna buy book. Otherwise 10% at Kinokuniya it is. Very tempted to make and eat lots of puddings, well it is winter, not gluttony.

So should I buy the Hamburg or Vienna DPDO cd? Anyone, help?

Viv: no worries :D I changed it to spuninjam. And you're the only person I've emailed for ages... I only very very recently changed it.

10 witty remarks:

  • At 00:42, Blogger Alicia said…

    Recognise again, but can't do names. Argh! Female though. Not that this helps anyone else much!

    This will tho, too much maybe:
    All I wanna do, is have some fun, i've got a feeling i'm not the only one, all i wanna do is have some fun, until the sun comes up *and i don't know the rest of the worrrrrrddddssss*

    No amazoning Pun?

  • At 00:46, Blogger Minerva said…

    no, bad leach, bad. *tsk tsk*

  • At 00:47, Blogger Minerva said…

    "over Santa Monica boulevard..."

    *starts dancing*

  • At 00:52, Blogger Alicia said…

    *dances around too*

  • At 00:53, Blogger Alicia said…

    (see even my pic looks like me dancing!)

  • At 01:15, Blogger Minerva said…

    Inspired by Leach's post on her rant, have put a link on sidebar to bloopers and phlubs of POTO productions, very very funny :D

  • At 01:21, Blogger Alicia said…

    Heeh. I was kinda asking for it in putting that quote... but at the moment YES it is G rated...

  • At 18:29, Blogger Ang said…

    I win, it's that Sheryl Crow song, "all I wanna do"! You already said that I got the stars, so this is a token post. I win!

  • At 18:43, Blogger Catie said…

    hamburg, vienna... *tosses coin*
    heads. damn, was that hamburg or vienna?
    get the sleazy one rather than the snob.

  • At 19:21, Blogger Alicia said…

    sleazy! sleazy! :P

    Or both...


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