Sometimes I could smack Philip stupid
But only in a good, caring way...
So my first week back at work post A/L. Just scrubbed in this am, just missed 2 little things, nothing overly significant. Met the new member of staff she seems very nice. And I still need to find out when exactly I'll be heading to A&E.
So my pay goes up sometime this month *crosses fingers* so I should get an extra $48 per week, woohoo! And I'm working public holiday 28th in CCU so I get more money, woohoo!!!
But I really do need to employ in the good Trees' help in this area, my finances are always in dire straits with my kind of spending. At least I'm only shopping for one, well except for stuff like laundry detergent, loo paper, general household stuff which I buy just because I buy it first. I can't wait to move out, but I will have to stick it out for the next few years, as fun as that will be.
You know, is it wrong that money worries me? I know some people are so blessed in that their parents don't make them pay board, or pay for anything, that they use the family car and only pay for petrol. Thinking about it over the past few months, adulthood is sooooo expensive: saving up for a deposit, then all the extras and unknowns that come with it, a car, car insurance, work insurance, health insurance, living expenses in general, wow...
Anyways, A/L I love it, I wish I could have more... I wish I could have gone away for it, I don't know Melbourne, Adelaide, anywhere... but it was good (great) to have a rest finally after a year of working, but unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with Philip nor girlfriends. So what did happen over A/L
- Shangri-la seafood buffet with the Tongs (I love you guys) - so muuuuuch food, photos will be put up later
- NYE at Andrew's which was very enjoyable, I was bad enough to have a beer at 1930 (!) and left at 0130
- drinking Shloer at Leach's post Manly, mmm... Shloer
- morning tea with Trees discussing life and it's mysteries
- Brighton-le-sands with Philip and watching him enjoy his new aqua shoes
and various other things.
So, so I better go back to talking (scolding, no not really) to Phil, it is their internet I'm using.
To do:
- follow up with A&E email to NUM re: start time
- take Gardasil #2 on my long weekend 2-4/2/08
- have fasting blood tests done
- figure out what to do for 1 year anniversary, if we are doing something
- figure out what to do for Valentine's day, if we are doing something
- mum's coming back 2/2, I guess I have to spend some time with mum eh? Oh yea and CNY dinner, joy o joy, that's gonna be pleasant...
- chase up Payroll desk re: upgrade from R1 to R2
- go grocery shopping for week, have realised am cooking Sunday lunch for 5, not 4, must defrost extra, nah, screw it. Shouldn't have that much meat in a meal anyway.
- chase up credit card bill!!!
Recent purchases:
- 3 pairs of work pants - depressing, I can't even button the ones I used to wear in October... goodness that's depressing, I could slump over and think positively about food poisoning almost.
- cap - to wear whilst in Phil's car, otherwise will get quite sunburnt
- picnic set - for 6, ooooh I wanna use it, must teach Philip that cold meats is very much edible...
So my first week back at work post A/L. Just scrubbed in this am, just missed 2 little things, nothing overly significant. Met the new member of staff she seems very nice. And I still need to find out when exactly I'll be heading to A&E.
So my pay goes up sometime this month *crosses fingers* so I should get an extra $48 per week, woohoo! And I'm working public holiday 28th in CCU so I get more money, woohoo!!!
But I really do need to employ in the good Trees' help in this area, my finances are always in dire straits with my kind of spending. At least I'm only shopping for one, well except for stuff like laundry detergent, loo paper, general household stuff which I buy just because I buy it first. I can't wait to move out, but I will have to stick it out for the next few years, as fun as that will be.
You know, is it wrong that money worries me? I know some people are so blessed in that their parents don't make them pay board, or pay for anything, that they use the family car and only pay for petrol. Thinking about it over the past few months, adulthood is sooooo expensive: saving up for a deposit, then all the extras and unknowns that come with it, a car, car insurance, work insurance, health insurance, living expenses in general, wow...
Anyways, A/L I love it, I wish I could have more... I wish I could have gone away for it, I don't know Melbourne, Adelaide, anywhere... but it was good (great) to have a rest finally after a year of working, but unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with Philip nor girlfriends. So what did happen over A/L
- Shangri-la seafood buffet with the Tongs (I love you guys) - so muuuuuch food, photos will be put up later
- NYE at Andrew's which was very enjoyable, I was bad enough to have a beer at 1930 (!) and left at 0130
- drinking Shloer at Leach's post Manly, mmm... Shloer
- morning tea with Trees discussing life and it's mysteries
- Brighton-le-sands with Philip and watching him enjoy his new aqua shoes
and various other things.
So, so I better go back to talking (scolding, no not really) to Phil, it is their internet I'm using.
To do:
- follow up with A&E email to NUM re: start time
- take Gardasil #2 on my long weekend 2-4/2/08
- have fasting blood tests done
- figure out what to do for 1 year anniversary, if we are doing something
- figure out what to do for Valentine's day, if we are doing something
- mum's coming back 2/2, I guess I have to spend some time with mum eh? Oh yea and CNY dinner, joy o joy, that's gonna be pleasant...
- chase up Payroll desk re: upgrade from R1 to R2
- go grocery shopping for week, have realised am cooking Sunday lunch for 5, not 4, must defrost extra, nah, screw it. Shouldn't have that much meat in a meal anyway.
- chase up credit card bill!!!
Recent purchases:
- 3 pairs of work pants - depressing, I can't even button the ones I used to wear in October... goodness that's depressing, I could slump over and think positively about food poisoning almost.
- cap - to wear whilst in Phil's car, otherwise will get quite sunburnt
- picnic set - for 6, ooooh I wanna use it, must teach Philip that cold meats is very much edible...
1 witty remarks:
At 01:46,
Catie said…
> adulthood is so expensive
I know! Thinking about all the expenses: rent and bills and so on, and then all the expenses that I'll have to start paying soon: insurance, mortgages etc., and I'm not sure how I'll afford to live :( or at least buy things :)
Hope you and Phil worked it out.
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