You know, the more I live at home, the more I want to move out. Financially, it's just not realistic considering I want to stay in my area. The only single bedroom places are really in Liverpool or Parra. And goodness knows I don't want to live near the govt housing.
So home life could be much better at this moment in time, can't wait to move out. Own place, can open all the windows all night, have my own kitchen, keep my music on, park in the driveway, walk around in my underwear... can't wait.
So Viv has gone, hope she stays warm, goodness knows she's normally cold. Next is Wong, so the woman better organise something before she buggers off to Caaaa-nada. And pray that she doesn't get napped, robbed, assaulted when she gets there, crazy woman, and finds a job asap, crazy woman...
Currently have 2 bottles of Shloer - white grape and red grape
My house, between 18th December - 4th January for Shloer indulging time, included:
- artichoke and lemon pasta
- caramelised onion, beetroot, goat's cheese tarts
- Caesar salad
- mango pudding (yum cha style)(maybe)
- Christmas pudding! Plus brandy sauce!
So my application for CCU has fallen through, because the hospital aren't funding an RN position for them next year, or any position for CCU actually. So I have been offered an interview for A&E which is daunting. A&E in LPL! My goodness, I'm gonna need to strength and energy to live through emergency. So I'm waiting for a message from the recruitment officer to tell me when.
Recently, past 3/4 weeks or so I've been getting tingling in my thumb, index and middle finger of my right hand. I'm worried that it's the start of carpal tunnnel syndrome, so have been to the doc to refer me to get nerve conduction studies and an electromyogram, which sounds like bloody fun! You know I'm really not that into torture, for interesting details, please follow these links: EMG, CTS
Of course it helps if the hospital was doing them over the holidays but they're not performing any til next year, so I may get a private referral instead, but that depends on if my fingers still tingle over A/L, if it doesn't, well I'll know it's more than likely related to work (COMPO!).
BTW Gardasil hurts! Well it hurts more than tetanus but actually, my arm wasn't sore the next day, so really, tetanus hurts more. Next shot due in February 3rd. Then 3rd injection 4 months after that.
Ladies I recommend you get the cervical cancer vaccinations, it will take 6 months, first dose then 2 booster shots. Day 1, 2 month, 4 month. It's free til June 2009 for women under 27. Click here for more information. There's my public health promotion for this session. Remember to have a pap smear if you've been sexually active!
Joined NIB basic saver, I neeeeeed optical and dental. Very, very important.
Owe $60 for the Cardio Christmas party due Friday 10th. I've transferred what I owe Angi for Kat's wedding present. Shilpa and Viv owe me money for Cat's engagement
Gotta buy Secret Santa gift, man, I've had this person before. And 2 more gifts with Phil. Also need to get other half of Phil's present.
6 more days til Annual Leave!!! Wooooot!!!!!!
Things learnt lately:
- have had a coffee drought for 4 weeks, had first double shot mocha today, phwoar! What a kick!
- reality and I don't get along (well I knew that awhile ago)
- suspect I am pre-diabetic. Having fasting blood test done probably Saturday.
- a short hair cut just doesn't suit me. Yes I got my hair snipped and snipped it too short, ahhh time will heal it (i.e. grow baby grow)
So home life could be much better at this moment in time, can't wait to move out. Own place, can open all the windows all night, have my own kitchen, keep my music on, park in the driveway, walk around in my underwear... can't wait.
So Viv has gone, hope she stays warm, goodness knows she's normally cold. Next is Wong, so the woman better organise something before she buggers off to Caaaa-nada. And pray that she doesn't get napped, robbed, assaulted when she gets there, crazy woman, and finds a job asap, crazy woman...
Currently have 2 bottles of Shloer - white grape and red grape
My house, between 18th December - 4th January for Shloer indulging time, included:
- artichoke and lemon pasta
- caramelised onion, beetroot, goat's cheese tarts
- Caesar salad
- mango pudding (yum cha style)(maybe)
- Christmas pudding! Plus brandy sauce!
So my application for CCU has fallen through, because the hospital aren't funding an RN position for them next year, or any position for CCU actually. So I have been offered an interview for A&E which is daunting. A&E in LPL! My goodness, I'm gonna need to strength and energy to live through emergency. So I'm waiting for a message from the recruitment officer to tell me when.
Recently, past 3/4 weeks or so I've been getting tingling in my thumb, index and middle finger of my right hand. I'm worried that it's the start of carpal tunnnel syndrome, so have been to the doc to refer me to get nerve conduction studies and an electromyogram, which sounds like bloody fun! You know I'm really not that into torture, for interesting details, please follow these links: EMG, CTS
Of course it helps if the hospital was doing them over the holidays but they're not performing any til next year, so I may get a private referral instead, but that depends on if my fingers still tingle over A/L, if it doesn't, well I'll know it's more than likely related to work (COMPO!).
BTW Gardasil hurts! Well it hurts more than tetanus but actually, my arm wasn't sore the next day, so really, tetanus hurts more. Next shot due in February 3rd. Then 3rd injection 4 months after that.
Ladies I recommend you get the cervical cancer vaccinations, it will take 6 months, first dose then 2 booster shots. Day 1, 2 month, 4 month. It's free til June 2009 for women under 27. Click here for more information. There's my public health promotion for this session. Remember to have a pap smear if you've been sexually active!
Joined NIB basic saver, I neeeeeed optical and dental. Very, very important.
Owe $60 for the Cardio Christmas party due Friday 10th. I've transferred what I owe Angi for Kat's wedding present. Shilpa and Viv owe me money for Cat's engagement
Gotta buy Secret Santa gift, man, I've had this person before. And 2 more gifts with Phil. Also need to get other half of Phil's present.
6 more days til Annual Leave!!! Wooooot!!!!!!
Things learnt lately:
- have had a coffee drought for 4 weeks, had first double shot mocha today, phwoar! What a kick!
- reality and I don't get along (well I knew that awhile ago)
- suspect I am pre-diabetic. Having fasting blood test done probably Saturday.
- a short hair cut just doesn't suit me. Yes I got my hair snipped and snipped it too short, ahhh time will heal it (i.e. grow baby grow)
3 witty remarks:
At 01:31,
Catie said…
I'm up for Shloer! Pick me, pick me! When are you free? I'm free 18-23rd of december (approx.), plus prob beginning of Jan. Who knows really...
Good luck for finger pain and home situation!
And yeah, I got gardasil and it hurt! Not looking forward to the next one... On the plus side, I only have one left to go. Yay!
At 16:18,
Minerva said…
Well I'll be making puddings, cooking and such. And lazing about, yays!! 3 more days to go til Annual Leave! Yays!!
Looking forward very much to Malay food and Seafood before Leachypoo goes.
Now, does Maroubra want a Christmas pudding this year or will you guys be making one? Hey, you know what, it means I can actually drive over to Maroubra some time, of course, that's if I'm bothered ;P
At 00:26,
Catie said…
I think we would like a Christmas pudding. Oh, and how could you not be bothered to drive over to Maroubra? It's summertime, we're right near the beach, and if you start baking out west then you know we have the cool sea breezes... :p
ok, I will find rosters and things and then come and visit you! Woohoo!
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