Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Friday, July 01, 2005

Thank you everyone who came

New song up, congrats Angi!

Had a great time stuffing faces and feeling very chocolated out! :D
Thank you everyone for the presents, I'm looking forward to reading in bed and drinking lots of cups of tea :D :D and eating Baci chocolates :D :D

Well I am also looking forward to buying both DPDO, sleazy and pompous, well sleazy ;) Thank you for the votes, you all know I'd love to be Christine in the Music of the night scene ;) :D

The balls of my feet aren't hurting anymore, which is good, well since I'm now at home, busy writing a post. Lesson: only wear those boots if you ain't gonna walk much.

Got a bday prez off my mum, sent it from HK on Monday. Got it on Thursday, surprisingly quick. Some Crabtree and Evelyn stuff, my favourite Lily of the Valley *takes a sniff* ahhh...

Lol, I just opened my mail today, first HECS debt. Second *rotflmao* the lecturer for one my first year subjects recommended me to be a volunteer student mentor *rotf*. Hurrumpf, not getting paid, training days on the day of my Tutorial registration, at the busiest time of a nursing student's degree, 3rd year, 2nd semester. LOL. Yea.... no thanks. And, oi vey, I hate teaching people, drives me insane, and I don't even work as an EN let alone AIN.
Lol, ahh... good laugh for the night.

5 witty remarks:

  • At 01:20, Blogger Minerva said…

    what why?
    yes kat finally gets 10
    but why?

  • At 11:48, Blogger Catie said…

    nooo! i will never get stars... far too slow...
    so, yeah kat, what's up?

  • At 17:34, Blogger Catie said…

    aw kat... :( *hug*
    sounds so complicated.
    eat properly, look after yourself, don't talk to James, have a good trip.
    really, really have a great time in vanuatu, see you when you get back :)

  • At 19:27, Blogger Vivian said…

    Awwww Kat...*hug*

    Since when did you and James...??

    Oh never mind, I'm always six months behind these things.

    Yes, I was going to say, eat well, look after yourself, and have a great time in vanuatu, but Cat beat me to it! Oh well....good advice can be heard twice :P

  • At 23:01, Blogger Minerva said…

    eep, old diet lime coke.

    You know I missed the whole comment, dammit put it back up. I should put a 'no deleting commenting' thing in my settings. I miss out on stuff.


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