Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pun's 21st dinner

Got there a tad late due to traffic and extremely hard-to-find parking spaces or drop-off points. Was joined eventually by Loz, then the lot of you (Kat, Lena, Viv, Trees, Karen, Leach & Wong) then Angi & Cat. Drinks varied from Hofbrau Original Muenchen, DAB, Dom Koelsch, Schoeffenhofer, diet coke, peach and apple schnapps and water.

Then I ordered dinner which consisted of:
- 3 tasting platters
- herb bread
- potato roesti and salad (for Wong)
Main courses:
- Barramundi fillets
- Vegetable parcel and salad (dude, I ordered you one entree and one main, not 2 mains as thought :P hehe, lucky you didn't have a falafel kebab beforehand)
- Berliner Eisbein - boiled pork knuckle, soooo tender
- Huehnerbrust Rhinedorf - chicken breast in an apricot & almond sauce
- Veal Oscar - veal escallops in Bernaise sauce
- Jaegerschnitzel - veal escallops in mushroom sauce
- Lammruecken "Haus art" - lamb rack with mash and tomatoey sauce
- Farmer's Platter - gaahh soo much meat...
Then for the dessert was Fraisier from La Renaissance which came out with sparklers! And a roomful of chorusing diners when you ladies started with Happy Birthday. And drinks such as another diet coke, Wiener Kaffees, Ruedesheimer Kaffees, Mexican Kaffee and Hot chocolate.

During this time was present opening! For Trees and I (keeheehee), thank you guys for all the presents, I adore all of them, of course some will be eaten earlier than others :D but thank you guys for Tetsuya's, I'm gonna have a very hard time, yes a very hard time to decide who to pull along, it's always something I've wanted to try and that as a gift was a HUGE surprise to me. It's very, very much appreciated and I can't describe how happy I am *swipes a tear* :D If there are any legitimate suggestions as to who to pull along, feel free to suggest.

Thank you guys for attending, I had a wonderful and fun time and I hope you did as well :) Thank you Wong for coming down from Armidale, it wouldn't have been the same without you ;) xxoo. Tis a shame Alex, Shilpa and Vicky couldn't come, I hope you got your fieldwork done and Vicky's feeling better, or at least got part of her voice back. Hope to see you guys soon!

Photos are up in My photos :)

5 witty remarks:

  • At 22:26, Blogger Alicia said…

    She needs...

    To come to the little snail on Wednesday!

    (That's totally what I intended to say all along... I promise!!!)

  • At 13:25, Blogger Catie said…

    i was too, and then i thought, can you even put secret messages in comments? lol :)

  • At 01:41, Blogger Minerva said…

    Yea ay, I was doing the same thing.

    And no I do not need anything/anyone at all thank you very much :P

  • At 22:26, Blogger Vivian said…

    Yay! she likes it! =P

  • At 16:15, Blogger Alicia said…

    No... At least, i've tried to before...


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