Do you like your name? Meh, could be better. Very hard to find my name plates.
What name would you rather have? It's been with me my whole life and it doesn't get any better, or any worse. So I'll stick to it.
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
Favourite salad dressing: Caesar as long as it's with cos lettuce, otherwise vinaigrette will suffice with other types of lettuce.
Do you make fun of people? all day, everyday
One pillow or two? 3. Two for my head, one for the side to snuggle and stop from banging my head on the wall
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning? 'Oh crud, what time is it?'
Favourite type of music: folk and Latin, mostly eclectic, currently listening to old Jap r'n'b
Do you sing? Everywhere, in random places. Lately I've been popping out Seguedilla, What would I do and Yo marco el minuto
Hobbies: reading, singing, listening to music, dancing, cooking
Dream car: red mini with a white top, very Saeba-san
Type of car you drive now: Astra
Words or phrases you overuse: blimey, bloody (insert word)
Comfort food: Dad's pork and preserved egg congee
Favourite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's cookie dough is lovely. Closest is Cold Rock Ice Cream here.
Drinking habits: everyday generally, water and tea mostly, some fruit juice. Never soft drinks.
Who was your first crush? Brandon something or another
Why and how old were you? He commented on Mt Fuji being in Japan and I thought 'Wow! He's smart, I like him'. Gah, probably 4 and a bit, it was kindy!
Do you still like them? No.
Do they know? I don't think so
Current boyfriend/girlfriend: Erik
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: nothing. Erik hasn't done anything for me yet. It's very sad I know, but I look forward to being whisked away through a sliding mirror and being hypnotised.
Do you get along with your parents? most of the time
Favorite time spent with friends? Anytime really.
Favorite perfume/cologne: Crabtree & Evelyn Lily of the Valley, but it's a tad strong so I use the Eau de Toilette instead.
What's your best physical feature? Hair when it's not a rats' nest.
What don't you like about you? How long do you have??
What's your favorite thing about you? How long do you have?? ;)
Are you photogenic? Nope, incredibly un-photogenic. I crack camera lenses. Horrifying, horrifying I tell you. That's why I hiss and shy away like Dracula from sunlight.
Do you think you are Attractive? Nope. I really don't think I'm attractive, when people ask me out I usually think 'Are you on something???'
Needles or spiders? Spiders I'd be more scared of. Well I'm not scared of needles unless they're IM and I'm injecting them into very skinny people or children.
Pajamas or not? No Pjs, I'm planning on chucking out these PJs after tomorrow, it's old, it's not actually small but the arms are elbow length, when really I think they're supposed to be wrist length.
Favorite Sport to Watch: field hockey or soccer
Least Favorite Subject in School: Chemistry
Have you ever failed a grade? Yes, Mathematics.
Have you ever broken a bone and who broke it? Nope, thank God
Have you ever been in an accident? Nope, thank God
Most humiliating moment: During warmup at Tara, completely geared up in goalie wear, chest guard, shin and foot guards, holding stick, no helmet yet though. Running, running, running, tripped over foot guard and landed flat on my face... had my team, coach and parents in cackles. Yea, great moment.
What's your best and worst Christmas presents? Gah I don't remember any really. I remember being disappointed with my parents, but then I think I actually have to say what I like, rather than keep it to myself.
What do you look for in the opposite sex? Christian, broad shoulders, cuddliness lol. It's strange, the older I get the more I need to hold onto something, no get your mind out of the gutter you sick women, must be some kind of physical comfort thing to know there's someone actually there. I blame it on a lack of physical parenting.
Do you want to get married? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
Do you want kids? Ha! Not really my decision in the end... but believe me I'll do everything in my power to stop it occuring, but I may start taking folate a few years after I marry, just in case.
Would you rather have a girl or boy? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
What is your dream career? Anything with travelling and meeting new people.
Where do you want to live? Some time in UK and Eire would be great, preferably in summer. Same for Italy and France. I'd rather visit most places than live there though. Sydney is still home.
Weaknesses: Most things people know I will squirm about, slight weakness (cracks a lot) in left knee, possibly due to over 10 years of dancing. Also wine in all its forms.
Fears: Everything. Life. Love. Not finishing puzzles.
Things I've learned from life: there's not really any grass/roses you'd want to chew on. You also keep learning, life isn't gonna get any easier or better, so do things when you have the opportunity coz it's likely that you'll have to give up your dreams and ambitions when reality gets in the way.
Worst Day ever? I tend to push those memories out of my mind. Otherwise I'd need a coupla boxes of tissues and a coupla Valium.
Greatest experience in your lifetime: becoming christian, sitting on a rock facing Macchu Picchu after finishing the Inca Trail (completely exhausted physically/mentally/emotionally).
Why are you here on earth? to divide and conquer
Who means the most to you?: my brother
Goal you would like to achieve this year? Get on with Hons
What name would you rather have? It's been with me my whole life and it doesn't get any better, or any worse. So I'll stick to it.
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
Favourite salad dressing: Caesar as long as it's with cos lettuce, otherwise vinaigrette will suffice with other types of lettuce.
Do you make fun of people? all day, everyday
One pillow or two? 3. Two for my head, one for the side to snuggle and stop from banging my head on the wall
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning? 'Oh crud, what time is it?'
Favourite type of music: folk and Latin, mostly eclectic, currently listening to old Jap r'n'b
Do you sing? Everywhere, in random places. Lately I've been popping out Seguedilla, What would I do and Yo marco el minuto
Hobbies: reading, singing, listening to music, dancing, cooking
Dream car: red mini with a white top, very Saeba-san
Type of car you drive now: Astra
Words or phrases you overuse: blimey, bloody (insert word)
Comfort food: Dad's pork and preserved egg congee
Favourite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's cookie dough is lovely. Closest is Cold Rock Ice Cream here.
Drinking habits: everyday generally, water and tea mostly, some fruit juice. Never soft drinks.
Who was your first crush? Brandon something or another
Why and how old were you? He commented on Mt Fuji being in Japan and I thought 'Wow! He's smart, I like him'. Gah, probably 4 and a bit, it was kindy!
Do you still like them? No.
Do they know? I don't think so
Current boyfriend/girlfriend: Erik
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: nothing. Erik hasn't done anything for me yet. It's very sad I know, but I look forward to being whisked away through a sliding mirror and being hypnotised.
Do you get along with your parents? most of the time
Favorite time spent with friends? Anytime really.
Favorite perfume/cologne: Crabtree & Evelyn Lily of the Valley, but it's a tad strong so I use the Eau de Toilette instead.
What's your best physical feature? Hair when it's not a rats' nest.
What don't you like about you? How long do you have??
What's your favorite thing about you? How long do you have?? ;)
Are you photogenic? Nope, incredibly un-photogenic. I crack camera lenses. Horrifying, horrifying I tell you. That's why I hiss and shy away like Dracula from sunlight.
Do you think you are Attractive? Nope. I really don't think I'm attractive, when people ask me out I usually think 'Are you on something???'
Needles or spiders? Spiders I'd be more scared of. Well I'm not scared of needles unless they're IM and I'm injecting them into very skinny people or children.
Pajamas or not? No Pjs, I'm planning on chucking out these PJs after tomorrow, it's old, it's not actually small but the arms are elbow length, when really I think they're supposed to be wrist length.
Favorite Sport to Watch: field hockey or soccer
Least Favorite Subject in School: Chemistry
Have you ever failed a grade? Yes, Mathematics.
Have you ever broken a bone and who broke it? Nope, thank God
Have you ever been in an accident? Nope, thank God
Most humiliating moment: During warmup at Tara, completely geared up in goalie wear, chest guard, shin and foot guards, holding stick, no helmet yet though. Running, running, running, tripped over foot guard and landed flat on my face... had my team, coach and parents in cackles. Yea, great moment.
What's your best and worst Christmas presents? Gah I don't remember any really. I remember being disappointed with my parents, but then I think I actually have to say what I like, rather than keep it to myself.
What do you look for in the opposite sex? Christian, broad shoulders, cuddliness lol. It's strange, the older I get the more I need to hold onto something, no get your mind out of the gutter you sick women, must be some kind of physical comfort thing to know there's someone actually there. I blame it on a lack of physical parenting.
Do you want to get married? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
Do you want kids? Ha! Not really my decision in the end... but believe me I'll do everything in my power to stop it occuring, but I may start taking folate a few years after I marry, just in case.
Would you rather have a girl or boy? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
What is your dream career? Anything with travelling and meeting new people.
Where do you want to live? Some time in UK and Eire would be great, preferably in summer. Same for Italy and France. I'd rather visit most places than live there though. Sydney is still home.
Weaknesses: Most things people know I will squirm about, slight weakness (cracks a lot) in left knee, possibly due to over 10 years of dancing. Also wine in all its forms.
Fears: Everything. Life. Love. Not finishing puzzles.
Things I've learned from life: there's not really any grass/roses you'd want to chew on. You also keep learning, life isn't gonna get any easier or better, so do things when you have the opportunity coz it's likely that you'll have to give up your dreams and ambitions when reality gets in the way.
Worst Day ever? I tend to push those memories out of my mind. Otherwise I'd need a coupla boxes of tissues and a coupla Valium.
Greatest experience in your lifetime: becoming christian, sitting on a rock facing Macchu Picchu after finishing the Inca Trail (completely exhausted physically/mentally/emotionally).
Why are you here on earth? to divide and conquer
Who means the most to you?: my brother
Goal you would like to achieve this year? Get on with Hons
7 witty remarks:
At 13:47,
Vivian said…
Wow that was a long quiz....some interesting answers there Pun ;)
At 15:45,
Minerva said…
Fine, fine I'll shorten it for you if you could pretty, pretty please do it Viiiiiv ;)
At 11:32,
Ang said…
Heh, speaking opf your brother, have I ever mentioned that for reaons that are completely mysterious to me, your brother reminds me of an asian Ryan Atwood. Is v. odd.
At 13:14,
Minerva said…
Are you on something??
No, I can't say he looks like Ryan Atwood. There's actually a Korean actor whom I believe my brother is the evil twin of. My aunty has a poster of the guy in her room, and I had to admit, in the pose, even though I didn't want to as the loyal sister, he looked like the actor. And no I forgot the actor's name.
At 17:36,
Vivian said…
hmmm....I think I know who you're talking about....was he in some korean series where the girl has cancer and dies? (hang on, that probably won't narrow it down very much =P)
At 17:58,
Minerva said…
lol, meh *shrugs*
In every dorama or k-drama, some chick dies of leukaemia (if it is cancer), that or brain tumour.
At 15:47,
Catie said…
jasper looking like ryan attwood? yeah really can't see it myself... i agree with pun. except about the korean actor, cos I've never seen him unless he plays young-jae. :)and then your brother does not look like young-jae.
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