Gaaaahhhh soooo much reading to do
Well I've pretty much accessed what I can on nursing, cardiac rehabilitation and implantable defibrillators, which is a lot of medical journals but not enough nursing journals. I'm just skimming over this stuff and hyperventilating at the same time. I know I want to do quantitative research but it seems like this would be very hard due to the paucity in nursing research in this specific area. Not unless I follow what a German study did and do surveys on over 3000 people, ok that idea wouldn't turn out. But yikes, it seems like a specific hospital, med records, surveys. Most likely so far. Still much reading to do.
So you know how it takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep when I hop into bed. Well damn I fell asleep sometime around 0130 this am (after turning my light off at 0100 mind you) and then at 0445 I heard little legs moving along my windowsill. Of course, being extraordinarily sensitive to insect noises, I had to get outta bed, pull off all my blankets and pillows and chase the bloody cockroach around my bedroom and swat it and flush it down the loo at 0500. Damn bloody cockroach, then I was lying in bed for the next hour trying to get back to sleep. Hot weather makes insects fly into your house and makes it damn hard to sleep. Stupid flying cockroaches... stupid flying cockroaches that attack you. We've killed at least 5 this past week, and a Huntsman hanging out on the boot of the car last night. *mumbles*
So you know how it takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep when I hop into bed. Well damn I fell asleep sometime around 0130 this am (after turning my light off at 0100 mind you) and then at 0445 I heard little legs moving along my windowsill. Of course, being extraordinarily sensitive to insect noises, I had to get outta bed, pull off all my blankets and pillows and chase the bloody cockroach around my bedroom and swat it and flush it down the loo at 0500. Damn bloody cockroach, then I was lying in bed for the next hour trying to get back to sleep. Hot weather makes insects fly into your house and makes it damn hard to sleep. Stupid flying cockroaches... stupid flying cockroaches that attack you. We've killed at least 5 this past week, and a Huntsman hanging out on the boot of the car last night. *mumbles*
So for Saturday, I'll bring over Baileys, my pyjamas and for...
ANGI: can I offer you a batch of blueberry and treacle scones for the 100 stars??
Current background noise: zilch, but I'm sure pretty soon I'll hear some little legs scuttling along somewhere...
Current craving: water. I'm getting worried that I'm really DM2, I'm thirsty (well the heat really), I'm always running to the loo, I don't know whether I've lost any weight (ha!) and I'm tired quite a bit. But that's prob due to me stupidly ritualising my body to sleep at 0300 and waking up at 1200... I need some vitamin A, and C, and B2. And some more vitamins... from food.
Pun's graduation: Thursday 4th May, unfortunately I can't invite to the ceremony, there's already 3 going, ie. mum, dad, brother. Photos will definitely be taken of course, Pun in an oversized gown is very amusing to look at. And of course, dressing nicely (hahahaha) hmmm... the new dress I have is always too low, too much cleavage. You know, the girls at church have a line to indicate 'too much cleavage'... Mr. Fitzherbert. ;)
3 witty remarks:
At 09:30,
Alicia said…
Alicia's greatest fear:
Not sharks, not plane crashes, but DM2
Gross... Cockroaches... Do you know they have them here too?
Bah! I say... At least I haven't seen them yet though...
At 11:44,
Minerva said…
Why would your greatest fear be DM2??
They have attacking flying cockroaches in Edinburgh??? NOOOOO. They're taking over the world I say, over the world. They're gonna fly at us and land on our clothes so we're gonna stupidly hit ourselves with frying pans until we knock ourselves out and then they'll scuttle away laughing. They're evil I say, evil.
At 15:16,
Catie said…
aren't the flying atacking cockroaches limited to dodgy hotels in hong kong? most don't actually seem to attack you, they just scuttle away to inaccesible places then laugh at you fuming away fearfully at them. grrrr...
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