Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Eeeep, Honours Orientation was today.

So for the past 2 weeks or so I was trying to work out how to get there without, you know, driving *smirks* Have decided must get Ps. I had to bus it from home to Parra, then from Parra I could either bus and walk, or taxi. Well guess which one I decided, yep I walked there, all the way from Westfield Parra to Cumberland Hospital, took me around 40min and a gentle slope as well. Have decided to take the train or bus to Westmead next time and walking from there, even though I liked the walk, I don't know about walking through quiet streets much.'

Eeep, I have to do a LOT of reading, no not ff either. I need to do a lotta on implantable defibrillators, outcomes and cardiac rehab *sigh* then I gotta go to Cumberland probably twice a week or so. Gaaaahhhhh... I really don't like that hospital, bad memories.

So I'm nervous but a tad, only a little bit, very little bit less nervous than I was earlier. The thesis has to be between 15000-20000 words. The phD student who's co-supervising me showed us his, around 22000 word thesis and he's on a scholarship from the NHRMC for his phD *hyperventilates*. But I'm gonna look at this positively, the main part of the thesis is just 6 essays, yep, yep just 6 essays. Not including the huge 25 pages of references, 10 pages of contents and acknowledgements, and of course all the appendices costing around 40 pages. *grabs paper bag*

I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine.

In other news, I'm most likely attending a 2 day conference on heart failure (Tues/Wed) at Brighton-Le-Sands in 2 weeks time, with a free night's accommodation paid by alphapharm. ;)Also there's a dinner on that Wednesday night at Darling Harbour that I have to go to. ;)
Oh Cat, do you mind if I crash at your house that night?? Wed 22nd?

AND I've decided to sell my uni nursing uniform, the oh-so-very-NOT-polymer-made-uniform. I think I'll miss the dress though. It was so bloody created by a man dammit, the whole zip-up, zip-down white nursing dress *mumble*. Sliding out of it wearing a slip and skin-coloured stockings. I should just keep it, oh yea, yea I'll keep it, I've just bought a white suspender belt a few weeks ago... although I don't have any thigh high white stockings.
But then again, I hate it when you guys make fun of 'naughty PVC nurse' so I really shouldn't encourage it eh? And there is a lovely emesis stain from first week of first semester, first year clinical. Hmmm... what should I do ladies, keep it for fun or sell it for $50?

Anyways, homework this week, do a LOT of lit reviews. Dammit. Probably have to go into uni this week again. But I think I'll go get myself a USB 1gig, and this laptop is dying on me. Hmmm, my dad is coming back next month... perhaps for my 21st I can beg him to get me a laptop which isn't dying on me, with Endnote 7. Hmmm...

Current background noise: Prince - Cream
Current craving: water, feel dehydrated, also blueberries, blueberries currently very very nice, blackberries quite sour. Still have more than half a plum cake at home... can't eat by myself...
Concurrent webpage: Dick Smith, kinda expensive, must go searching.

Oh oh I'm wearing my new pyjamas ;) Zee light blue XL men's FCUK T shirt ;) Tis quite big ;)

11 witty remarks:

  • At 22:07, Blogger Alicia said…

    Hmmm... Well $50 is $50...

    You'll be in cumberland... Does that mean the Usyders can meet up to see you :D?

  • At 22:59, Blogger Minerva said…

    Cumberland Hospital dude, North Parramatta. Where are usyd people? You mean the Lidcombe campus?? No.

  • At 00:11, Blogger Catie said…

    i think you should keep it for fun! we only make fun of pvc nurses uniforms so much 'cos we know it makes you angry... ;)

    oh, and get off by prince (or is it gett off? something weird i think) is the song. yay! took me a while, but i remembered!

    and good luck with honours stuff! crashing at my place should be fine, you can have the spare room and everything, maybe i should check first but it should be fine.

  • At 00:53, Blogger Minerva said…

    Yep, "Gett off 23 positions in a one night stand", it's so wrong but I love that song ;)

    Spare room?? Can't I just crash on the couch? *puppy dog eyes*

  • At 10:12, Blogger Vivian said…

    sigh....i totally understand your honours related stress...except I am more stressed about the fact that I have to get at least credits in all my subjects this Sem to be allowed to progress to 2nd Sem honours. And I just found out that to actually graduate with Honours at all in pharmacy, you have to have get at least a 75 (?!?!) in the honours subject, AND a WAM of at least 65!!! Otherwise you would have done honours just to graduate with a normal degree (grrrr at stupid pharmacy course.)

    (And Cat, that is what I didn't get around to telling you on msn the other night.)

    Oh, and btw, we got told Endnote 9 is better...

    And *ewww* at 3yo emesis stain...maybe you should sell it to some poor unsuspecting person =)

  • At 15:45, Blogger Catie said…

    spare room, couch, whatever you want. feel free to have less comfort and privacy if you want, i'm not going to tell you what to do, i just thought, y'know, that maybe it would be better the other way. But whatever *mumbles*

    honours is very, very stressful. so everyone tells me. but you'll all be fine, o.k.? and if anyone wants someone to edit their honours theses for them, i am free and bored. although i don't know how long it would take to edit 20,000 words... probably best to give me advanced warning then :)

  • At 16:04, Blogger Minerva said…

    Yea, I've heard that with Endnote 9, you can't transfer the citations back onto Endnote 7, so that means I can't work at the R&D unit with the newer version coz it's not transferable. So *shrugs* I'll prob work with Endnote 7 first and then update when all the other networks I'll be connected to update to version 9 as well.

    lol it could be an emesis stain from year 1 but it could also be just a food stain from one of my many lunches. *shrugs* but that's what makes me hesistant about selling it. ;)

    No worries, I need to send out my Ethics proposal to soem lay people to proofread, and you know, Track changes on the document. Meep! Meep! Meep!

  • At 16:06, Blogger Minerva said…

    And Viv you're a smart cookie, if I can get credits in everything, you sure as hell can get credits in everything. At least it's not an extra year of uni and paying student fees for you...

  • At 02:42, Blogger Alicia said…

    Mmm. With Engo's it's the same. You need a 65 WAM to graduate with honours (even though there is compulsory 'fourth' year thesis!) 75 WAM for first class honours...

  • At 11:23, Blogger Catie said…

    Yeah, it's a worry. I don't know what my average is... Last I checked it was a credit, verging on distinction but not quite there, dammit! If only I didn't just get a pass in latin... stupid latin. :( But then, I have a feeling that it's easier to get credits in Arts.

    lol, meep meep meep :D i'll proofread your ethics proposal! if you want. i mean, i don't want to force my proofreading on you or anything.

  • At 22:53, Blogger Minerva said…

    no no, not forcing, it's called 'getting-your-absolutely-scrumpdullyumptious-friends-to-proofread-stuff-because-they're-lay-people-and-(probably)-have-nothing-better-to-do'. Heeheehee.

    Anyway, it's best to have a layperson to proofread it coz laypeople are on the Ethics Committee on Sydney West AHS. Meanwhile, you'd be one of many people proofreading, and re-proofreading. And guess what, apparently Sydney West AHS Ethics Committee are the most say... "cumbersome" Ethics Committee to go through in the load of AHS's in NSW.

    AHS: Area Health service


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