Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Commiseration/Celebration in Hyde Park

Thank you for coming ladies, as I was reminded in the morning that it was the '4 of us' coming, the idea of bringing the Shloer was well, what can I say, tempting? But not enough. :P

Yes as Viv said, we had vegemite and cheese bread rolls, Tim Tams, some dark Belgian chocolate, white rabbits, Soho sour cream and chives rice crackers, Breakfast juice and Plantagenet SSB (I wanna buy more, soo quaffable).

General talking, chatting, telling life stories. Asking how 2 redheads find each other... Took some photos in the avenue as well.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Rcent purchases:
- curling iron - yes well I do hope it'll kill insects, just not me.

2 witty remarks:

  • At 13:12, Blogger Minerva said…

    reference to Viv's post about purposes of getting a curling iron.

  • At 13:36, Blogger Catie said…

    the poor figs :(


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