Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blue Hawaiian

1.5 msr white rum
0.5 msr dark rum
0.5 msr blue curacao
3 msr pineapple juice
1 msr coconut cream
Blend briefly with a glass of crushed ice. Garnish with a cherry and a slice of pineapple.

Had no pineapple, or cherries, or even a paper umbrella. Suggestion: add a dash or two of sugar syrup. Also drink quickly before the liquids split.
Pineapply - not very coconutty, but alright. I upped the dose of the fluids soooo... more like 30ml of dark rum, 90ml or white rum, gaahh... 30ml of blue curaaacaoaoao, uhh..... yea oh yea and yea *giggles* yea 180ml nah 200ml of pineapple juice, and large dashes of coconut cream. Hehehe, *giggles**hiccup**giggles*Heeheehee, ok I'll stop now, my face is beetroot and *giggles* must *giggles* stop drinking it *loses footing* I think a cuppa tea might be good...
*lies back on imaginary hammock and sips drink*

4 witty remarks:

  • At 21:05, Blogger Alicia said…

    We went to the summit resturant today!! As a celebration of 'all' of our birthdays - since Liam and I were away for ours and mum's is on Thursday.

    Anyway I had a beef carpaccio (grain fed black angus, dukah spiced soft egg, lemon spiked persian fetta)entree which was delicious, especially with the runny egg on top of it; juicy tender lamb cutlets (wuth caramelised endive, eshallot toffee, pedro ximenes glaze) and framboisier (fresh raspberries, light mousseline cream, macerated sponge, raspberry glass) for dessert... mmm mmm mmmm!

  • At 22:04, Blogger Minerva said…

    Ooooooh sounds scrumptious! I've always wanted to dry beef carpaccio, cured beef isn't it?

  • At 16:00, Blogger Alicia said…

    Yep... Yum yum...!

  • At 17:02, Blogger Catie said…

    yum... all of the above sound very, very good :)


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