Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My dinner

Very proud of this, I better be coz I can feel the chilli burning my left fingers.

Pimientos rellenos (stuffed capscium). Has bird's eye chilli (for heat), rice, chorizo, tomato, onion, garlic, no parsley at home :( tasty!

For people who haven't voted on the Christmas pud poll, please do and tell me who you are. Especially if I'm making a Christmas pud that you may eat sometime.

7 witty remarks:

  • At 20:46, Blogger Alicia said…

    Looks tasty...

    I'd vote again... But you'd know it was me...

  • At 15:56, Blogger Catie said…

    i just voted. cherries. i commented on the last blog [post just then, but wasn't sure if you'd read it.

  • At 16:16, Blogger Minerva said…

    Thank you, have just read it. Interesting, it's true, we can't define it, and it is hard to define. And very true, our perceptions are very different depending on who we are and brought up with.

    Man I am so tired, 4 hours of sleep, one small bottle of juice for breakfast, I got back at 1530 and just scoffed down a good 3/4 of a kebab. Must sleep, someone prank my mobile at 1900 to wake me up.

    Sorry peeps, vote again! Seriously, Grand Marnier and copious amounts is a given ;)

  • At 16:16, Blogger Minerva said…

    Oh yes me + dates = good.

  • At 00:19, Blogger Alicia said…

    Ok, I don't like cherries except for fresh ones. And prunes are nice... But... Yeah... Anyway, bad connotations. :P

  • At 13:12, Blogger Minerva said…

    I didn't see any connotations there? Wait a mo, are you saying you like dates?????

  • At 17:26, Blogger Alicia said…

    I wasn't clear there; bad connotations with prunes. I voted for dates. :P


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