Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting ready for the engagement party

Well we've got food sorted at least. By the way, I hope you guys eat lots of the dessert ;) And please, please, please RSVP if you're available to come. I really can only send out sms's and emails to chase people up.

One thing Phil and I have long known, is that we don't have many photos of ourselves. So if you guys have any photos of Phil and I, would you pretty pretty please mind forwarding it to me so we can use it for the photo slideshow.

So Leach and I recently had arvo tea a the new Guylian cafe at Circular Quay next to the Dendy Opera Quays. I had a dark hot chocolate, Leach a cold chocolate shake and we shared a Guylian baked chocolate cake. Quite nice, not as sweet and as rich as Max Brenner, but I still bought a box of hot chocolate for $10, and Opus chocolates to decorate Josh's 25th cake with.

So for Josh's 25th birthday, we had dinner out in Cabra at Bau Truong, which isn't bad at all. Or maybe my tastebuds have been deprived of spicy food but it was very tasty. It was the prawn paste on sugar cane, pork and prawn rice rolls, crispy chicken with sesame sauce, garlic chilli okra, deep fried salt & pepper squid, stir fried greens (there were lots of stalks, where were the leaves??), lemongrass veal, combination fried rice noodles and rice all around. And a sliced orange with sahved ice on top.
I took the leftovers to work to eat eventually when it was gonna be given to Misty!! (the family dog!)

So work hasn't been bad, I've been enjoying it so far. I'm seriously considering inviting more people to the engagement party but I'm worried it'll go over, and then I'm worried it'll be like 50 people.