Spun in jam

REVAMPED. Musings out loud. To the attempting to focus on food and drink blog, http://www.spuninmorejam.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So many events, so little typing space...

So Carmen was on Thursday night (24th), interesting, very funny looking back on it. Especially the singing and overly exaggerated acting. But hey it's opera and that's how it is. Carmen was good though, Don Jose was also good (it was also very good that he didn't continue stripping, just keep those suspenders on please), Micaela (wow, those notes), but the song which stuck in my head that night would have to be Seguedilla, followed by Habanera.

Great, now I've got "Près des remparts de Séville, Chez mon ami, Lillas Pastia J'irai danser la Séguedille Et boire du Manzanilla. "

And Angi's 21st on Saturday, which was good fun, gathering, seeing different people in costumes. Unfortunately I didn't get to attack people with my camera so we're waiting for other camera wielding people for their photos.
Well just because Angi knows I blog about food and she knows I list everything, here we go:
- roast chicken with stuffing
- garden salad
- salad caprese
- cucumber and tomatoes
- carrot Moroccan? salad
- a delicious spinach dip in a big loaf
- Mars bar slice
- Jarlsberg and camembert? and crackers
- fairy bread!!!
And I had 2 West Coast coolers and a Kilkenny Irish beer. Haven't had one for ages... West Coast coolers that is.
I'm very sorry we didn't get to stay for speeches and cake. At least you got vengeance back coz we didn't get face cake. I hope you had a good night and enjoy your pressies.

So Leach is here right now, and trying to open her textbook CD. Not working it seems.

So at church tonight, submission talk. Definition, relationships of submitting: Jesus to God, children to parents, slaves to masters etc. oh yes and my love/hate relationship with wives to husbands and women in church. Gahhh...
You know, it was a surprise to me, was it last year or the year before? That guys are intimidated, no not the right word, scared, afraid etc. of the Ephesians 5:25

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her"

That they're gonna have to do everything, do all the best, die, die, die!! for their spouse, for their family. Not be selfish, self-absorbed, not compromising, prioritise. I really think they're gonna have a tough job. B asked a question tonight to all the girls, "From 1 to 10, how do you feel about submitting to your husband/boyfriend?"
I said "That you'll need a HUGE amount of trust in someone, and also, I haven't met anyone... that I could trust enough." and as Rebecca said, there are things we'd never submit to. Never.
You know humans are flawed, and you can never trust anyone completely because they are human. You'd have to be naive to trust someone completely. Why put yourself up for getting hurt? Yes it's a partnership, yes both will get hurt but every feminist instinct inside of me would be screaming.

As Leach said, some people haven't thought about it coz it doesn't concern them, not in the situation... yet.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's official, I'm in the LPL New Grad Program

Received a call from the coordinator informing me I've been successful (yays!). Now just gotta decide a time to start... new rotations start September 18th but I'm not sure if there's supernumerary time... which makes me hesitant about starting. Pray on it, think on it.

In trying to keep healthy, have joined Fernwood with 3 other of my church ladies. Must wring every single cent out of the price. Damn expensive. Ah well, probably 5 times a week now, well mid September it'll be 4 times.
Unclear gym times:
Mon - 0730-1000
Tue - 1730-2100
Wed - 1830-2100
Thu - 0700-0830
Fri - 1200-1400 (at Parra)

Recent purchases:
- Stargate SG1 season 9 on dvds - stupid channel 7, I don't even need to continue watching on tv, I can just watch it on dvd now.

To do:
- wash out and snip all greens
- marinate the mushrooms
- make chicken salad for B's dinner
- make chorizo pizza for dinner
- defrost something for dinner on Wednesday - possibly the salmon... Ooooh I can make it Tetsuya style...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wisdom tooth out...

gum pain... face pain... no panadeine... can't find the panadeine... need panadeine... have 6mg of temazapam... noooo... need panadeine...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Commiseration/Celebration in Hyde Park

Thank you for coming ladies, as I was reminded in the morning that it was the '4 of us' coming, the idea of bringing the Shloer was well, what can I say, tempting? But not enough. :P

Yes as Viv said, we had vegemite and cheese bread rolls, Tim Tams, some dark Belgian chocolate, white rabbits, Soho sour cream and chives rice crackers, Breakfast juice and Plantagenet SSB (I wanna buy more, soo quaffable).

General talking, chatting, telling life stories. Asking how 2 redheads find each other... Took some photos in the avenue as well.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Rcent purchases:
- curling iron - yes well I do hope it'll kill insects, just not me.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Yabs weekend away

Twas good. Only really there for 2 talks, since Michelle and I were cooking during the second.
Sorry I didn't take any random photos but apprently Nemah has one of me in my boots, lovely blue and purple thermal leggings and in half flight (leaping away).

So Katoomba wasn't as cold as I thought it'd be, but I think that's because we spent most of the time in the cottage *shrugs*. I wish we could've had more time outdoors. It's so nice to be in the mountains. I wouldn't have minded going down towards the 3 Sisters. Even if it was a bit cooler.

So the first talk was on Money and Greed (Matt. 5: 19-24). Definitely has things to think about out of that. The material things we have, all those coffees/hot chocs we have but don't need, the coveting of your neighbour (Leachypoo I love you but you make me jealous, bad girl, bad girl *slap slap*). When I start working, 10% tithe, it seems so much a week, but you are giving to the church and in that way, helping the community by supporting the people who work etc.

As I typed before, the second talk Michelle and I mostly missed, twas on Racism. I should talk to B on it, I wanted to pay more attention in that talk. B and I spoke about it before the weekend, about racism and I was telling her my experiences.
It's only more recently that my race has been made more apparent in yabs, as in "Asian" would just be added into the conversation where it's never been before. Am I more sensitive in my dotage? Or is it subtle racism? I don't know. But I guess that's because I think of myself first and foremost a christian, then a woman, then an Australian, then Honky. So my ancestry doesn't even come into mind until someone brings it up. Yes I'm Asian, does that make any difference to my personality? Does that make a difference to myself as an individual?

The third talk was Sunday afternoon on Grace and turning the other cheek (Matt. 5: 38-48). One of the main questions was 'Are we supposed to be doormats?' and 'Should I give the shirt off my back as well as my cloak?' There has to be a point of standing up for yourself surely? You wouldn't stand and be assaulted and you definitely wouldn't allow someone else to be harmed if one could prevent it.

Well for foodies or people who've known I write up about fooood:
Dinner on Saturday was:
- 2 roast lemon, thyme, garlic chickens
- 1 Moroccan roast chicken
- tandoori chicken skewers
- potato and leek bake
- sweet glazed carrots
- green beans with almonds
- sweet corn
- kalamata olives
- crunchy noodle salad
- Caesar salad
- pasta all'arrabbiata
- bread rolls

Got much less sleep than I wanted to, several noises throughout the night, squeaky beds, people in conversations, snoring, strange tapping noises and most of all my blocked yet runny nose, so probably 10hours all up this weekend.
Had a 1 hour nap around 2130 so now I'm up again.

I'll see Cat and Viv today at Hyde Park, if anyone wants to come for a small picnic lunch, feel free to sms me in the morning.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I've resigned, I've done it, don't ask me why or you only had 2 months left, I really, really, really don't wanna hear it or read it.

I just wanna curl up and die. Or cry. Or simultaneously.
This is the acute post-resignation period where I'll be depressed for the next 2 weeks. I really need a hug, where's Trees when you need her. Or at least huggable people who are also sick so you can hug them without fear of infecting them with anything worse.
I have no concession now, so darn expensive...

In other news, I'd been sms-ing Viv (attempting to) since I got back from HK, and I've had the wrong number in my phone. I thought "Viv" was joking with me that she didn't know me, soooo in fact I replaced a 7 with a 1 and had been told that the person isn't a "Viiiiiv" and doesn't know a "Pun". Have remedied now by calling up the Kwong household and procured correct mobile number off Rev. Kwong.

Very strange, Viv do you still have your mobile on you??
leng sei yat sei lok chaat chaat baat leng baat?
Or has it changed??

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A bit congested...

I think one of the interviewers gave me a cold... in other news I've pretty much got the job. Was even offered parttime work... immediately. So I'm pretty happy. Yabs weekend away this week, I forget how much it is to organise food for so many people, and how over budget we blew, and still going to blow... still need bread, milk and ice cream.

I wanna quit Honours.

Pun's prayer:
"God, what should I do? Can you answer immediately? You've sent me my assessment back with a very good mark. But You've also sent Wendy in with the job offer. I don't know God, what are You telling me to do? Stay and torture myself, or quit and work before I lose all my skills? God please answer me.
Your confused child."

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Do you like your name? Meh, could be better. Very hard to find my name plates.
What name would you rather have? It's been with me my whole life and it doesn't get any better, or any worse. So I'll stick to it.
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
Favourite salad dressing: Caesar as long as it's with cos lettuce, otherwise vinaigrette will suffice with other types of lettuce.
Do you make fun of people? all day, everyday
One pillow or two? 3. Two for my head, one for the side to snuggle and stop from banging my head on the wall
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning? 'Oh crud, what time is it?'
Favourite type of music: folk and Latin, mostly eclectic, currently listening to old Jap r'n'b
Do you sing? Everywhere, in random places. Lately I've been popping out Seguedilla, What would I do and Yo marco el minuto
Hobbies: reading, singing, listening to music, dancing, cooking
Dream car: red mini with a white top, very Saeba-san
Type of car you drive now: Astra
Words or phrases you overuse: blimey, bloody (insert word)
Comfort food: Dad's pork and preserved egg congee
Favourite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's cookie dough is lovely. Closest is Cold Rock Ice Cream here.
Drinking habits: everyday generally, water and tea mostly, some fruit juice. Never soft drinks.
Who was your first crush? Brandon something or another
Why and how old were you? He commented on Mt Fuji being in Japan and I thought 'Wow! He's smart, I like him'. Gah, probably 4 and a bit, it was kindy!
Do you still like them? No.
Do they know? I don't think so
Current boyfriend/girlfriend: Erik
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: nothing. Erik hasn't done anything for me yet. It's very sad I know, but I look forward to being whisked away through a sliding mirror and being hypnotised.
Do you get along with your parents? most of the time
Favorite time spent with friends? Anytime really.
Favorite perfume/cologne: Crabtree & Evelyn Lily of the Valley, but it's a tad strong so I use the Eau de Toilette instead.
What's your best physical feature? Hair when it's not a rats' nest.
What don't you like about you? How long do you have??
What's your favorite thing about you? How long do you have?? ;)
Are you photogenic? Nope, incredibly un-photogenic. I crack camera lenses. Horrifying, horrifying I tell you. That's why I hiss and shy away like Dracula from sunlight.
Do you think you are Attractive? Nope. I really don't think I'm attractive, when people ask me out I usually think 'Are you on something???'
Needles or spiders? Spiders I'd be more scared of. Well I'm not scared of needles unless they're IM and I'm injecting them into very skinny people or children.
Pajamas or not? No Pjs, I'm planning on chucking out these PJs after tomorrow, it's old, it's not actually small but the arms are elbow length, when really I think they're supposed to be wrist length.
Favorite Sport to Watch: field hockey or soccer
Least Favorite Subject in School: Chemistry
Have you ever failed a grade? Yes, Mathematics.
Have you ever broken a bone and who broke it? Nope, thank God
Have you ever been in an accident? Nope, thank God
Most humiliating moment: During warmup at Tara, completely geared up in goalie wear, chest guard, shin and foot guards, holding stick, no helmet yet though. Running, running, running, tripped over foot guard and landed flat on my face... had my team, coach and parents in cackles. Yea, great moment.
What's your best and worst Christmas presents? Gah I don't remember any really. I remember being disappointed with my parents, but then I think I actually have to say what I like, rather than keep it to myself.
What do you look for in the opposite sex? Christian, broad shoulders, cuddliness lol. It's strange, the older I get the more I need to hold onto something, no get your mind out of the gutter you sick women, must be some kind of physical comfort thing to know there's someone actually there. I blame it on a lack of physical parenting.
Do you want to get married? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
Do you want kids? Ha! Not really my decision in the end... but believe me I'll do everything in my power to stop it occuring, but I may start taking folate a few years after I marry, just in case.
Would you rather have a girl or boy? Ha! Not really my decision in the end...
What is your dream career? Anything with travelling and meeting new people.
Where do you want to live? Some time in UK and Eire would be great, preferably in summer. Same for Italy and France. I'd rather visit most places than live there though. Sydney is still home.
Weaknesses: Most things people know I will squirm about, slight weakness (cracks a lot) in left knee, possibly due to over 10 years of dancing. Also wine in all its forms.
Fears: Everything. Life. Love. Not finishing puzzles.
Things I've learned from life: there's not really any grass/roses you'd want to chew on. You also keep learning, life isn't gonna get any easier or better, so do things when you have the opportunity coz it's likely that you'll have to give up your dreams and ambitions when reality gets in the way.
Worst Day ever? I tend to push those memories out of my mind. Otherwise I'd need a coupla boxes of tissues and a coupla Valium.
Greatest experience in your lifetime: becoming christian, sitting on a rock facing Macchu Picchu after finishing the Inca Trail (completely exhausted physically/mentally/emotionally).
Why are you here on earth? to divide and conquer
Who means the most to you?: my brother
Goal you would like to achieve this year? Get on with Hons

Little Snail (EDIT)

Well today was good, had lunch with 2 lovely ladies ;) Unfortunately no photos :( but no worries, the description of the delicious meal should be enough to ignite your imagination.
We all had escargots for entree, little morsels of delicously soft and slide-y goodness with a warm, salty, garlicky melted butter, with herb bread to dip the butter in.
Cat had a lamb with rosemary and garlic sauce, Leach had veal in a mushroom sauce and I had a barramundi in lemon sauce. All served with vegetables such as corn, green beans, cauliflower and potato. Drinks was water and Scarborough chardonnay 2002.
Then for dessert, Cat had the profriteroles with chocolate sauce, Leach had the baked passionfruit cheesecake, and I had the lemon sorbet. Also flat white, cappuccino and latte with petit fours.

Then after rushing home, I had 30min to shower and get changed (soles of feet sore), then had Mish G's brithday dinner. Then B and I drove over to the church, got in separate cars and drove to Macquarie Uni where we watched Mish's friend's band play in a comp. Also got a Heineken. Then popped over to the mod Asian restaurant that was booked for dinner. Catered towards Westerners. Yea hah, and meals of Mongolian lamb, honey chicken, fried rice, prawn yellow curry, salt and pepper squid, and a few more, and some verdelho, headed on home. Oh yes, there was a fortune cookie too... mine said something about a hatchet, fly and friend's forehead. Yep, made looooots of sense.

You know, there's a definite difference between peeps at PLC and at church, other than half of us being of Asian ancestry, we're generally open to eating and different foods. As in we won't squirm, make remarks about the food and push it away because you don't like the sound of it, when you haven't even tried it.
Okay, I know I'm much more open to food than some people I know and will eat most if not all things that you put in front of me, well save apples, pears and latex, but surely oyster sauce doesn't sound inedible???
Okay, okay, I'll stop it now, just because people haven't tried real Chinese food and continue to eat Australian Chinese food... I guess it would be through their parents' as well, that they just eat what's down at the local Chinese take-out so they would've grown up with stereotype food and that's what they think is Chinese and that's what they'll eat.
Okay, okay I'm being harsh. Maybe.

NB: Sorry Viv I was mid rant and my thoughts were coming out faster than I type. Basically I would never take anyone I know, love and respect to the local Chinese take-out. Coz my pride as a Honky would stop me, as well as the looks I'd get from other Asians and educated gwai mui jai.